What are the pros and cons of email lists versus discussion boards?
Email Lists Pro’s & Con’s
- I’ve found that with email lists I got lost easy and everything is sort of grouped together and not as organised as a discussion board.
- I also found that people go off topic easily which then also adds to the mix and in general I really don’t like email lists at all, thus far.
- I also find it A LOT less personal.
- Because it is delivered directly to you, you don’t miss anything.
- Unfurtunately this also counts for spam
- Another benefit from email lists (groups) is the lists from long ago will still be there you to get to if you have to.
- A lot of the time messages have to be approved so theres a waiting time.
Discussion Forum Pro’s & con’s
- They are big, so occasionally you can completely miss things of interest
- More personal, you end up feeling like you actually know these people in reality.
- People tend to open up more and it’s a friendlier atmosphere.
- Forums are a faster way to communicate and more real time is involved.
- Messages are instantly available.
Are there certain kinds of communication or purposes more suited to one than the other?
- I think for someone that’s time restricted Email Lists would be more suited because it’s delivered right to your email inbox.
- For myself I much prefer that human contact and relax a lot more in a forum/Discussion Board & I like the fact that everything is sorted into it’s own topics/catagories.