Monday, 21 May 2007

Module 4: Organising Search Information Task

Choose the best three sources found in the previous task & record the following information about those sites:

Blurb/ summary / screen shot (this can be a direct copy of an appropriate abstract or introductory paragraph on the site: but make sure you record and reference it as such)

The Author of this site is CIESE and it is hosted by Stevens Insititute of Technology, Center for Imporved Engineering and Science Education. This tutorial is intended for use by those who have an advanced knowledge in basic web browsing and it is recommonded for those that want to enhance their knowledge of their web browers and it provides instructions on how best to explore all options.

Lisa Cohan is the Author of this site & i like it because it is really great in fully exploring search engines as it provides links to large amount of them, including meta search engines.


Phil Bradley is the author of this site and it's Another great tool for finding search engines and clues on effective ways of maximizing their use and also the types of search engines there is, it also inlcudes a list of search engines, weblogs, intelligent agents, virtual libraries.

For this task i utilized Bookmark Buddy and whilst i can see it's advantges i cannot say i am impressed and will probably not use it after completing this unit, PageSucker on the other hand i adore and will use it alot and have used in this later part of the unit. Below is a screenshot of my bookmarks for this task.


I haven't been in here for awhile as I've been trying to get my essay done, I'm worried how i will be graded as i really feel out of my depth, not in what i know, but how to put everything i have learnt into something that reads OK.
My confidence in essays has always been at a low, even in high school, so it's a struggle to overcome it esp after seeing the good work some of the other students have done already.
But oh well, keep trucking as they say and i can only do my best.
It's now just a few days until we finish and it's exciting, I'm very disappointed about missing the cutoff date for SP2 but with Dylan and myself sick it slipped my mind, but oh well, August it is.

ta ta for now :)

Module 4: Boolean Search Task

Taking the same key words of your last search, think about how you would best search for the following:

The biggest number of hits relating to these key words - Using Google and using the search term 'advanced Internet users' it came back with 117,000,000 hits. I then searched for 'advanced and Internet and users' and got 298,000,000 hits and Google tells us that when you put 'and' in it's unnecessary as they "include all search terms by default". So basically what we see is that using 'and' in any searches means that it will search for all terms in one hit, which is good but also can give you very broad results so it's not always useful.

Sources relating to skills-based information on these key words - Now when i search for 'advanced Internet users and skills i got 298,000,000 hits and by using and skills this ensured that my results would be more geared towards skills related results.

Information coming only from university sources - For this one i used Copernic Agent and searched the term 'advanced Internet users edu' , whether I've done this ok or not i don't know but i got 51 results which all related to academic related.

Interesting isn't it how results can differ by how you change the words you put in by simply adding an and or an or , a real eye opener.