- Have you used images or words on your web page or website that contravene copyright laws?
No, I have not used any images whatsoever that belong to Curtin.
My Volcano Picture is the only picture I have used and that was via an outside site, not Curtin, we were just simply told to use the particular site by Curtin and therefore Curtin has no control or Copyright Laws over the image.
According to the Curtin Copyright Statement under the 'fair dealing' provisions of the Commonwealth of Australia Copyright Act 1968 -
" an individual may make a single copy of a "reasonable portion" of the material
on this site without prior permission or payment, provided it is for the
purposes of research or study, criticism or review"
So no, I have not used words that contravene the Curtin Copyright Laws and if I unwittingly have then I am permitted to use small pieces for study/research, such as I have been doing, will do.
- Would you be in breach of copyright if you put the Curtin logo at the top of your web page for an assignment?
Yes I would, the logo is a registered trademark of Curtin University and any inappropriate use of the logo is regarded as a breach of procedures.
In the past permission to use the logo was permitted but now the only exceptions are contracted affiliates and educational providers of Curtin and they are also required to follow on terms agreed with the University.
It is protected from unauthorised use and only can be used after approval from the University Marketing committee and to do that a request must be sent in writing to them and must state why it will be used, where it will be used, how it will be presented, and finally, the dates the logo will be used.