Basically a newsgroup is a continuous discussion in a public arena about a particular topic.
They are also ‘decentralized’ which basically means that the messages are not all kept or maintained on one single server, they are actually copied to hundreds of servers worldwide.
They are good for when you want to chat with more then one person, for instance you want to chat to a group of people who are interested in the same topic such as you are and finally they are good if you are someone that does not need an answer straight away.
They are also ‘decentralized’ which basically means that the messages are not all kept or maintained on one single server, they are actually copied to hundreds of servers worldwide.
They are good for when you want to chat with more then one person, for instance you want to chat to a group of people who are interested in the same topic such as you are and finally they are good if you are someone that does not need an answer straight away.
(Screenshot below of how it works)
Task - Follow your chosen newsgroup for a couple of days, and then post a message to the group. You should be able to see that message shortly thereafter. Now cut and paste a copy of the entire message, including the header information.
(screenshot below)