Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Web Ethics : Top Tips for Web Bloggers

  • Only publish facts that you know to be true, if you don't then just note your thoughts on it instead then.
  • If material on your subject already exists online then link your viewers to it, because like me, they will like to read it and don't like links to pages that agree with everything you say, readers like to have a view from both sides and if you don't link it then provide the name of the reference so that users if they so choose can go find it themselves.

  • If anything at all that you have put in your document ie: links etc you have found to be untrue, then make notes of it on the document.
  • Make every entry you write as if it cannot be changed, it will save alot of trouble that may occur down the line for people that may have used you as a reference and in general to keep your professional integrity.
  • Be upfront with your readers, if any information about you can reflect against what you write in your document and that way it gives the reader a chance to decide for themselves on how much stake they put into your words.
  • Topics of a serious nature should be clearly marked as such and the type of site the information is coming from also.